Complaint Handling Policy


a. 7VEN TECHNOLOGIES (“we”, “us”, “7VEN” or “our”) is a private limited liability company. For the purposes of these Terms, references to “you”, “your”, or “client” refer to you, unless otherwise stated.

b. For client protection and satisfaction, you should take time to carefully read this Agreement as well as any other policies, additional documents, and information available to you through our website prior to opening a trading account with us. By default, you must read, agree, and accept all the General terms and conditions set out below, and any additional documents incorporated herein by reference before you establish a Business relationship with us (without modifications).

c. If you have objections to any of these general terms and conditions, or any part thereof, and/or if you do not agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions, or any part thereof, do not access and/or use our online trading facility in any way and inform us in writing immediately.

d. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and our Terms of Business (including any schedules, annexes, exhibits, amendments, and/or side agreements, if any) that apply to your account and are always subject to any applicable laws. In the event of any conflicts or inconsistency between our Terms of Business and this agreement, our Terms of Business shall prevail.



a. If you have an inquiry or questions in relation to your experience or activity with us, you may file an inquiry form via our inquiry page, which is accessible through our Website.

b. Once we receive your inquiry, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to you. We are committed to investigating and addressing any matters within 10 business days. If the Company is unable to resolve your inquiry or fails to respond within the set timeframe, you may proceed in filing a complaint by completing our complaint form with all the required information found below.

c. Complaints may be submitted by using the Company’s complaint form, which can be provided by our support department upon your request. Once the complaint form is completed, you can submit it in one of the following ways:  
   - By email.  
   - Via post to our address.

d. The Company shall acknowledge via email the receipt of the complaint to the complainant within a maximum of 15 business days and shall provide the complainant with the unique reference number and the Company’s Complaint Handling Procedure.

e. When your complaint is acknowledged, we will carefully investigate it and will try to properly resolve it within a reasonable time. If deemed necessary, the complaint shall be escalated to the Compliance Department for further investigation. In the case that the Complaint is submitted in a language other than English, a true translation must be obtained.

f. At all times, the complainant shall be informed by the Company in regard to the handling process of his/her complaint. We shall use our best endeavours to provide you with the outcome of our investigation within two (2) months from the day of the submission of your complaint. In the event that your complaint requires further investigation, we will inform you of the reasons for the delay and indicate when it is likely for the investigation to be completed. In any event, this period of time cannot exceed an additional three (3) months.

g. Upon investigation completion, the Compliance Department shall inform the complainant in writing, using plain language that is clearly understood, about the results of the investigation and actions taken to satisfy the complainant’s demand(s).

h. In the case where a complaint is valid, the management shall take such necessary action together with the Head of the Department(s) to which the complaint is related, in order to identify and verify the:  
   1. Reasons for failure to follow procedure.  
   2. Weaknesses of the internal controls.  
   3. Implementation of internal controls to prevent any complaints in the future.

i. The Company has the right to refrain from reviewing a complaint where:  
   - It is classified as an inquiry. The complainant maintains the right to request the reclassification of his/her inquiry as a complaint.  
   - It is unable to identify the complainant’s identity.  
   - It includes offensive language directed either to the Company or an employee of the Company.  
   - It is received through telephone unless the complainant subsequently submits the complaint form as evidence.

j. The Company undertakes to analyze, on an ongoing basis, complaints-handling data, to ensure that they identify and address any recurring or systemic problems, and potential legal and operational risks. Such analysis shall include the causes of complaints to identify root causes common to those types of complaints and correction of such roots where deemed necessary.

k. Depending on the seriousness of the complaints, they may be classified as serious complaints or regular complaints. In all cases, complaints, regardless of their impact, are dealt with the maximum attention and urgency.

l. Complaints may be resolved by means of an explanation or an apology, or even financial compensation.

m. We maintain records of all complaints as well as all related details for a minimum period of five (5) years.

n. If you are not satisfied with the Company’s final decision, you may refer your complaint to the competent authorities by quoting your complaint’s unique reference number, provided that no court decision has been issued for the same complaint and/or no judicial procedure is pending for the examination of the same complaint as required under applicable laws and regulations. The complainant reserves the right to take any legal action and/or to refer his/her complaint against the Company to the ADR Firm in case the complaint is unresolved and/or if the client remains dissatisfied with the decision outcome.


Art. 3. REVIEW

a. The Company must evaluate internal controls, procedures, and policies on an ongoing basis in order to identify common regulatory issues and initiate relevant changes to make the Complaints handling systems more efficient and effective.

b. The Company’s policy is assessed and periodically reviewed, at least on an annual basis, or more frequently, should the need arise, and any amendments to this policy shall be approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. The client shall be notified in writing of the nature of the changes deemed appropriate by law, and the revised policy will be available on the Company’s Website.

Last updated: August 23, 2024